Thursday, August 12, 2004

Race, Racism, Classism

Here's an interesting article in Slate by Debra Dickerson, called Racist Like Me - Why am I the only honest bigot? She discusses the notions of race and how she discovers moments of racism that she carries within herself.

From the article: "Yet if we are to evolve on the issue of race, the notion that you, or someone else, is racist ought to function as the beginning of the attainment of full humanity, not the proof that you've relinquished it. Realizing with each incident that I was operating from a no-longer-quite-subconscious script about race allowed me to recognize, and then confront, the hateful notions I have internalized about blacks. Worse, it allowed me to see that having experienced racism had helped turn me into one: It turns out that I have a problem with whites, too."

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